ASiT: Nurturing Surgical Excellence

Committees with ASiT Representation

The following is a list of education and training committees with ASiT representation

The primary association for laparoscopic surgeons in the UK, founded over 25 years ago to promote laparoscopic surgery among trainees and surgeons.

ASiT Representative: Matt Harris

Trainee group comprising representatives from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in England.

Trainee group comprising representatives from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland. Discusses issues from both Scottish and UK AoMRC but with a particular focus on Scotland.

ASGBI represents general surgery and all its associated sub-specialities in the UK and Ireland. The ASGBI council consists of members from all subspecialty organisations and representatives from ASiT and the UEMS Monospecialist Committee in General Surgery. ASGBI has the following committees that focus on different aspects of training, education and research and which ASiT representatives are invited to attend on: 

  • Education and Training Committee
  • Executive Board and Speciality Presidents Committee
  • Moynihan Academy
  • Emergency General Surgery Advisory Committee
  • Scientific Committee

The Intercollegiate Committee for Basic Surgical Examinations (ICBSE) is responsible for the continued development, quality assurance and standards of the Intercollegiate MRCS and the Diploma in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (DO–HNS). It comprises of representatives from all the four Royal Colleges, an educationalist, MRCS examination assessor and trainee representative. They discuss all the aspects of MRCS examination including the reports from OSCE, MCQ subgroups.

BADS' purpose is to promote excellence and maximise the delivery of day surgery in the UK

Confidential Reporting System for Surgery. An advisory board sharing experiences and lessons about adverse events in surgery.

This committee discusses the requirements for national recruitment criteria and processes in General Surgery

These are subcommittees of ICBSE. The committee comprised of BCA leads, Question book editor, ICBSE chair and Trainee representative. The groups discuss the development of MCQs and OSCE scenarios as well as reporting the developments to ICBSE and IQA committees.

The committee comprised of Royal college representatives, ICBSE chair, representatives from MCQ and OSCE subgroups, Trainee rep (ASiT) and MRCS exam assessors as well as BCA leads. The committee checks the quality control of the examination.

Editorial Board for the International Journal of Surgery, which publishes our Conference abstracts and several ASiT Editorials each year.

Similar to the JCIE below except that it mainly focusses on FRCS in General surgery.

This is the group that represent Irish Surgical Trainees and is formally linked to ASiT. All grades of surgical trainees are included.

This is a group that represent Irish General Surgery Trainees as a subcommittee of the Irish Surgical Trainee Group

This is the management group meeting of the ISCP which meets quarterly and oversees ISCP development and curricula changes, discussed by SAC leads.

The JCIE is responsible, in line with the statutory requirements of the GMC Postgraduate Board, to the four surgical Royal Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland, for the supervision of standards, policies, regulations and professional conduct of the Specialty Fellowship Examinations. The JCIE is the parent body for its ten surgical Specialty Boards. Therefore discussed the FRCS examinations for all the specialities.

The overarching meeting for the Joint Committee on Surgical Training which acts as an advisory body to the four surgical Royal Colleges of the UK and Ireland for all matters related to surgical training. It is the parent body of the SACs (Specialty Advisory Committees) and the TIGs (Training Interface Groups).

A subcommittee of the Joint Commission for Surgical Training that oversees data governance, e.g. ethical and confidential use of trainee data.

Purpose of this group within the JCST is for all surgical speciality (SAC) leads for selection to meet together, share experiences and try to encourage uniformity and best practice.

This group meets to discuss the quality assurance of JCST approved posts. It designs the JCST feedback survey and analyses the results of the survey.

This group invites the Presidents of medical school surgical societies to the Royal College of Surgeons in London for a discussion of issues effecting medical students and to share ideas to improve engagement

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Faculty of Surgical Trainers. National Faculty open to surgeons with an interest in training. Provides standards for trainers.

Royal College of Surgeons (England) Council meeting which develops of the college's services, facilities, governance, education and development.

Royal College of Surgeons (England) Education board involved with design/development and delivery of the college's educational activities as well as training related issues

This is the meeting of the Patient and Lay members of the RCSEng. They seek to inform the college of PL opinion and can advise ASiT regarding matters directly impacting patients.

Royal Society of Medicine - Section of Surgery.

Specialty Advisory Committee for General Surgery. Oversees training in general surgery, discusses criteria for CCT and is the body responsible for awarding CCT.

Society of Academic & Research Surgery. Aims to promote excellence in research, education and clinical innovation. It is an independent society but has vital links with other surgical associations & societies such as ASGBI, VSGBI, ACPGBI and AUGIS.

The Surgical Forum of Great Britain and Ireland is comprised of the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the four Royal Colleges and the Presidents of the 10 SAC-defined and GMC-recognised surgical specialities. The Surgical Forum is a representative voice of surgery across the entirety of Great Britain and Ireland.