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Shorland Hosking Fellowship 2023/24

Applications Now Closed for 2024

About this award

Shorland Hosking was a consultant upper gastro-intestinal surgeon at Poole Hospital who had volunteered for an Operation Hernia mission in Nigeria in 2010. Having returned from a very successful mission he unfortunately died in an aircraft accident in April 2010. Operation Hernia sponsors a Specialist Surgical Registrar (Higher Surgical Trainee) to join one of its missions each year and work with a group of Consultant Surgeons, usually for a period of one week. The aim is to provide valuable experience of working in a low- or middle-income country and the purpose of the money awarded is to cover the registrar’s costs for air travel and local travel, accommodation and subsistence.

This years mission will be in November 2024 to Takoradi, Ghana.

Method of application

Each applicant will be required to submit:

Applications should be submitted by email to ASiT, info@asit.org

Late applications will not be considered.


Immediately after the closing date for their receipt, all applications will be considered by ASiT and three most deserving applications then submitted to the Board of Operation Hernia for further consideration.

Method of payment:

The value of each award will be up to £1000. Payments up to the value of this sum will be paid to the award holder by the Treasurer of Operation Hernia on submitting relevant receipts.